Monday, June 27, 2005

"...Harcourt rarely pays attention to lyrics. What he listens for, he says, is primarily a sound and a feeling...rather than literary content" [via]

I feel like I know this guy. For someone who listens to music almost constantly, I rarely pay attention to, or eventually learn lyrics, regardless of repetition. I do know some songs, but its a red-faced ratio. I'm basically the worst possible candidate for karioke (see, i can't even spell it) before you consider my actual vocal talents, or lack thereof. But I've always been able to hum the sounds of the lyrics, and as a result sometimes I end up inventing/molding meaning to the sounds themselves, and probably to a large hunk of my subcon.

Must check out his online show.

***Note the shout-out to the unfailing UNCUT

...and I gotta dig up more on Zero 7 - way far up my alley.


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