Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Tongue in Skin

I don't seem to be able to carry on a conversation over at my favorite haunt without getting, or at least seeming, confrontational. I don't like it. It reminds me of the first time I was told I like to argue too much by someone I deeply respected. The funny thing is, we shared the same first and last names and I was in a foreign country arguing with his fine lady friend. Actually that's not funny at all. The really funny thing is, this observation came as a complete shock to me at the time. Which is more sad than funny I suppose.

I'm pretty bummed because hockey is finally back, and I love to talk puck, but I seem to chase away the dialogue with heavy handed verbage. Even my college buddy was taken back yesterday with my characterization of an opposing opinion as nonsense. And given my sensitivity to other's characterizations of my own opinions, I really need to be more considerate. Not a good combo; an acid tongue and thin skin.


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